The First Friend-Zone
You read all those
romance novels and watch all those sappy flicks, like John Hughes’ Some Kind of Wonderful?

I’m not one of the
pessimists who completely negate the above scenario and pronounce it impractical
for the sole reason that it hasn’t happened with their relationships, because I
believe that these things might have happened with other people. Neither do I
agree with people who condemn such movies. I mean, seriously, Hughes is just
trying to be the Fairy of Hope in the otherwise Pandora’s Boxful of
relationship troubles all of us have to face. That is the reason that despite
never having been on the receiving end of such amazing happy endings, I still
believe and hope for such in my future.
However, up until
now, such a moment of realization has completely eluded all the guys that I’ve
been friends with, few of whom I have had massive crushes on. Some of these guy
friends of mine intercepted my feelings but never confronted me, choosing
instead to toning down our conversations and phasing out the friendship. And
this, more than anything else, has been the most painful.
While it is completely understandable that a
guy can only be a boyfriend for one girl at a time, and it is also fully
acceptable that he wouldn’t have such inclinations toward me, why would he
abruptly stop being friends with me just because I had a crush on him?
So far I’ve been a
good friend to several guys amongst which, I have had a crush on . You see, I
believe that before pursuing a potential partner (for the purpose of a
relationship) the foundation should be sturdy friendship. This is completely at
odds to the thing that happens to me, every time. When I become good friends with
a guy, they automatically shelve me as ‘just a friend’ never pausing to reflect
that maybe, just maybe I’m making myself a good friend to them so that we may
have a potential romantic liaison in the future.
And it’s fine by me
that they don’t realize any romantic scope in me, but I do believe that if
nothing else, I’m a very good friend. I even acted as the connecting link
between Susan and Harold, the guy I really liked. I once asked him, about a
year into our friendship, if he had a crush on anyone. Up until that point he
was oblivious to my romantic intentions toward him. He trusted me as a friend
and told me about Susan.
Truth be told, while I
was hurt that even after a year, he didn’t think I could be the one for him, I
was, however, mostly flattered that he trusted me( even if as a friend) enough
to tell me about his long harbored crush, something he hadn’t told anyone else
before. Apparently, he had had a crush on her since the sixth grade. We were in
the sophomore year of high school then.
So I decided to do my
good deed for them and play matchmaker. I am extremely pleased to inform that I
succeeded in doing that and they got into a relationship merely a month after I
began tinkering around. What happened next was predictable for many, but
totally unanticipated by me.
Susan started to get
a bit insecure about the camaraderie I shared with her boyfriend and she
somehow discovered and informed him of my aforementioned crush on him, and
provided him with an ultimatum to choose.
We were in high
school, he was a guy and Susan was definitely girlfriend material. It doesn’t
need a genius to figure out the outcome. He went for Susan and aborted all
contact with me.
It still hurts to
think about, but at the end you have to realize that some guys will understand
your worth later in life, when they face the real tribulations and tests on
their path; but they would realize it years too late and hopefully some other
man would feel lucky that he does have you, holding his hand in the journey of
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