Why Hillary Is The Only Way To Go
It is now common knowledge, not just in the States, but in the whole world, that the contest to become the world’s most powerful person is now down to two. A majority of the people aware of this already guessed months ago, heck, knew even before the elections started that Hillary would inevitably be the Democrat candidate.
Why? Sure some would tell you that it is party politics and other candidates were downplayed or not given the opportunity. It might even be a part of the truth, but not the whole truth. Even If people within the Democratic Party were biased and rooting for Hillary, I don’t think it’s entirely wrong.
Here’s why I think she is an ideal candidate for President and why all American citizens should vote for her.
1. She has a buttload of experience. As the First Lady and as the Secretary of State, each for 8 years, she is bound to know all the ins and outs of being a president and can navigate her way with ease to achieve the goals she wishes to achieve for the country.
2. She is the woman who has been instrumental in bringing about the success of our favorites. She actively promoted two of our favorite presidents, Obama and Clinton, playing a major role in their administrations even after.

4. Her attire reflects her nonsensical approach to life. Tanning, white concealer (or chalk?) under the eyes, forced attention drawn to unnaturally dyed hair and other ridicule inviting trends are not things Hillary does. Her clothes display her personality, straightforward and professional.
5. She is not your typical First Lady – How many First Ladies have gone on to have political careers of their own? Not many. Most First Ladies end up being pop cultural trendsetters but very few have been daunting enough to extend their roles beyond charities and galas and right into the heart and dirt of politics.

7. She is a woman. You knew this was coming. Apart from all her qualifications, she is…a she. A woman. All major countries have had women leaders, Margaret Thatcher in UK ,Indira Gandhi in India, and most surprisingly, Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. It is about time the country which prides in calling itself the land of equality took a major step toward gender equality by trusting a woman to lead the country.
8. If not Hillary, then who? Trump,who is bound to expend all the American finances in the building of his wall or use the nuclear codes to destroy all countries whose citizens immigrate to the USA?
- Hillary's policies on all crucial issues are coherent and rational.
- She understands the threat of global warming,
- Fights for women's rights
- Advocates equality of all ethnic groups
- Has a healthy outlook toward immigration, the list goes on.
- And we know writing in Bernie Sanders is only going to further strengthen Trump’s vote base which is not divided.

9. We gave George Bush a chance, so why not Hillary?
What are your opinions on Hillary running for president? Tell us in comments below.
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